From: Akashic tarot Cards

From: Akashic tarot Cards
A gold crown of power and authority rests above a Celtic trinity knot.
On either side of the Celtic knot are the alchemical symbols for fire and water; below is the ancient three-legged�symbol of the Coat of Arms from the Isle of Man.
This card brings with it a time of enormous power, balance, and expression.
The first three rays, or the energies of the Divine, move within you equally: Power and Will, Love and�Wisdom, and Intellect or Mind.
You are working intimately (even if you’re not conscious of it) with the Ascended Masters who are linked to these energies.
On either side of the Celtic knot are the alchemical symbols for fire and water; below is the ancient three-legged�symbol of the Coat of Arms from the Isle of Man.
This card brings with it a time of enormous power, balance, and expression.
The first three rays, or the energies of the Divine, move within you equally: Power and Will, Love and�Wisdom, and Intellect or Mind.
You are working intimately (even if you’re not conscious of it) with the Ascended Masters who are linked to these energies.
With the participation of the Masters, you can raise your focus to a higher power and purpose.
You can combine the fire of creativity with the water of receptivity in order to make your contribution to the world.
You can combine the fire of creativity with the water of receptivity in order to make your contribution to the world.
With the gold crown raised high, you’re likely to find yourself in a significant position of authority and influence at this time. It is likely to be a phase of great activity, but you can�handle it.
With these powers in play you’re able to discipline yourself to bring together the meditation, creativity, rest, and action required.
Take advantage of this time and use these powers�well.
They are nothing less than the Divine forces moving through you so that you can manifest their power in the world.
Take advantage of this time and use these powers�well.
They are nothing less than the Divine forces moving through you so that you can manifest their power in the world.

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